New names set for Gauteng major provincial roads

Department of Roads and Transport 2022/06/22 - 22:00

The Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport is in a process of naming and renaming provincial roads and calls on all interested and affected parties to make comments on proposed names and the renaming of major provincial roads.

Proposed names include those of eminent persons from various fields including political, business, labour and sporting fields. They also include literary figures across the social, cultural, economic and political spectrum. As per the Gauteng Geographical Names Committee (GGNC) Policy Guidelines, in terms of Section 2 (2.4) of the Policy Framework and Guidelines for Geographical Naming System in Gauteng, communities should be sufficiently consulted.

The Department will host public participation workshops across the province as part of consultation and efforts to create awareness regarding the proposed naming and renaming of identified roads.

The proposed changes are:

▪ N12 to Ahmed Kathrada Freeway;

▪ R59 to Helen Suzman Drive;

▪ R80 to Dr Sam Motsuenyane Drive;

▪ R55 to Philip Kgosana Drive;

▪ R500 to Elijah Barayi Drive;

▪ R50 to Joost van der Westhuizen Drive;

▪ R42 to Ellen Khuzwayo Drive; and

▪ P139/1 (Christiaan de Wet/Northumberland Road) to Andrew Mlangeni Drive

Interested and affected parties are invited to submit comments on the proposed naming and renaming of the provincial roads to or contact him on 066 474 3000 for more information.


Tags: renaming of roads consultative meeting provincial roads GGNC Geograhical Names Committee


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