Appointment of Acting HOD for Gauteng Department of Social Development

Department of Social Development 2023/04/10 - 22:00

​Premier Lesufi appoints Mr O Kabasia as Acting HOD for the Department. Please join EMT in congratulating the DDG on his acting appointment, which runs from 1 April to 30 June 2023 or until a new HOD is appointed, whichever is the earliest.

Mr Onkemetse Kabasia is a qualified Social Worker with the Bachelor of Social Science in Social Work Degree (B SOC SC SW) from the North-West University and possesses two Post Graduate Qualifications in Governance & Political Transformation (from University of the Free State UVOS) and Public Health (from University of Witwatersrand WITS). He is currently enrolled for Master of Business Administration with North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus).

He has been involved in leadership at an early age as the President of the Social Work Students Society and facilitated successful Intervarsity Social Work Student Conferences. He served as a Senator for the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences and as a member of the University Senate. He also served as a member of SASCO, ANCYL and as a member of the SRC. In the workplace, he served as a Shop-steward and Chairperson of NEHAWU West Rand Health Region.

While in his late 40s, Mr Onkemetse Kabasia presents over 25 years of experience in the Public Service and over 20 years of management experience. He rose through the ranks and went through all levels of management, from an ordinary social worker, into supervision/coordination, an Assistant Director, Deputy Director, Director and Chief Director. He served in the following positions: -

  • Social Worker and District Coordinator for Community Based Rehabilitation Services – West Rand Region – Department of Health (GP)
  • Assistant Director: Transformation & Special Programmes – Department of Economic Development and Tourism (NW)
  • Deputy Director: Hospital Services – Department of Health (NW)
  • Chief Executive Officer: Taung District Hospital and Reivilo Hospital Complex (NW)
  • Director: HIV & AIDS Programmes – Department of Social Development (NW)
  • Chief Director: Social Welfare and Specialist Social Services (Gauteng DSD)
  • Chief Director: Specialist Social Services (North-West DSD)

Currently, Mr Onkemetse Kabasia is serving in the capacity of a Deputy Director General (DDG) for the Gauteng Department of Social Development.

He is responsible for Social Welfare Programmes, Community Development Programmes, Regions & Institutions. This is the position he has held since 1st Oct 2014 (now 9 years), and has served with commitment, dedication and valour.


Tags: Acting Head of Department


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